Monday, March 31, 2014

The Clery Act

by Zachary Agovino
Being safe and secure, and feeling safe and secure, on campus is very important to the wellbeing of all the students here at UNCC and college campuses around the country.  One way that makes people more comfortable and safe is knowing what has happened on campus and around the campus in terms of crimes.  This has been accomplished by the Clery Act, which came about after the rape and murder of Jeanne Clery in her dorm room at Lehigh University.[1]  Jeanne was attacked in her dorm because the doors to the hall were propped open for the convenience of the students.[2]  Jeanne’s parents said that they were not worried about safety because “they assumed it was as safe as it looked.”  But they were not aware of the crimes that had occurred there recently because the campus security was not required to disclose that information to the public.[3]  This lured students into a false sense of security thinking that they had nothing to worry about on a campus that actually had quite a bit of crime.
Clery Act
Being safe and secure, and feeling safe and secure, on campus is very important to the wellbeing of all the students here at UNCC and college campuses around the country.  One way that makes people more comfortable and safe is knowing what has happened on campus and around the campus in terms of crimes.  This has been accomplished by the Clery Act, which came about after the rape and murder of Jeanne Clery in her dorm room at Lehigh University.[1]  Jeanne was attacked in her dorm because the doors to the hall were propped open for the convenience of the students.[2]  Jeanne’s parents said that they were not worried about safety because “they assumed it was as safe as it looked.”  But they were not aware of the crimes that had occurred there recently because the campus security was not required to disclose that information to the public.[3]  This lured students into a false sense of security thinking that they had nothing to worry about on a campus that actually had quite a bit of crime.
With the increase in incidents nationwide on college campuses, the Clery Act has become very important to us as college students.  The Clery Act itself “requires colleges and universities publish an Annual Security Report (ASR) by October 1, documenting three calendar years of select campus crime statistics including security policies and procedures and information on the basic rights guaranteed victims of sexual assault” and “to have a public crime log”[4]  Basically this means the college has to report crimes that happen on or near campus and put the information in an accessible place, i.e. the internet.  One of the best way for people to be prepared and make good decisions is to be knowledgeable about the world around them and especially about where they spend about 80% of their time. 
College is one of the best times in our lives but it is also the time in our lives when people take the most risks.  Knowing about the world we live in significantly reduces the risks we take, and the Clery Act has given us the ability to be prepared.

[1] Gross, Ken, and Andrea Fine. "After Their Daughter Is Murdered at College, Her Grieving Parents Mount a Crusade for Campus Safety." Time Magazine, January 19, 1990.,,20116872,00.html (accessed March 31, 2014).
[2] Ibid
[3] ibid
[4] Clery Center, "Summary Of The Jeanne Clery Act." Last modified 2012. Accessed March 31, 2014.

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