By: Courtney Brown
Male circumcision is seen as a socially acceptable practice that is
done today by most parents. Male circumcision is surgical removal of some or the
entire foreskin of a man’s penis. People have their male child circumcised as a
baby today mostly because they see it as unclean or just because everyone else
does it. According to the CDC male circumcision will reduce and lower the risk
of STDs and acquiring HIV from an infected partner. The risks of this procedure
include pain, bleeding, and infection. [1]
To have foreskin is a good thing according to some doctors because it
protects the penis from irritants of urine and feces that may not be cleaned
off well enough. The foreskin is very sensitive and when removed the penis will
lose a lot of sensitivity because the glans become hard and tough. In sexual
intercourse, a man who is circumcised will not feel as much pleasure as a man
who isn't because of loss of sensitivity therefore leading to usage of
lubricants for satisfaction. The practice of circumcision is solely based on
the wants of the parents and their opinions but in reality not being
circumcised isn't such a bad thing because it can be just as clean as a circumcised
penis. Circumcision originated a long time ago because it is even mentioned in
the bible in Exodus and the Book of Genesis. In Exodus it tells of Moses son
being circumcised with a flint knife by his mother. In Genesis it tells of
Abraham being circumcised in return for being the father of a many nations and
all of his sons after him on the eighth day of life. [2]
As you can see circumcision has been practiced for a long time but did
it come to mind that these things were done before the invention of medicine?
These circumcisions were completed without any medicines and most of the time
with unclean objects. Today they are still done with minor medications to ease
pain but not to stop pain. Circumcision is also done as a religious reason such
as in Indian cultures which is a tradition for young boys in coming-of-age
rituals. Medically it is not necessary but can be used to treat certain medical
conditions. [3] In the 19th century doctors were obsessed with giving male
children circumcisions because it was supposed to stop masturbation and was
defined as a hygienic procedure. If this big idea that masturbation could be
prevented by circumcision had never started and that it prevented various
hygienic disorders I don’t believe it would be around today. Circumcision does
not prevent hygienic disorders nor does not being circumcised if it’s not kept
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