Danger of the Pill
and Other Forms of Birth Control
By: Caroline Christy
In todays
society the media is flooded with “16 and Pregnant” and “Teen Mom 1,2,3..”, and
even some of my friends that I grew up with and are my age are havin
g kids. I have to ask myself have they never heard of birth control? Well after doing some research even if they have its not always 100% effective.
It is
estimated that 150 million women worldwide take birth control. Many people take birth control pills not only
to prevent pregnancy but also to help with cramping, spotting, acne and
irregular periods. [1]
But they do not consider what the birth control is masking over; it could be a
very serious medical problem. One of the main concerns with taking birth
control pills is that you are putting synthetic hormones into your body and
tricking your body to think that you are pregnant, and then when you start
taking the placebo pills your body experiences a huge drop in its estrogen
levels which causes your body to go on its period. This is problematic as your
body gets used to having a certain level of estrogen and then all the sudden it
drops to a much lower level.
The pill is not the only form of birth control
that has risks. The birth control shot, which is commonly known as the
Depo-Provera shot, can increase a women’s chance of getting HIV. [2]Also
the shot has not been around for to long of a time so the long-term side
effects are up in the air. Another downfall is women can react differently
coming off the shot, it is unclear how long it would take a women to get
pregnant after coming off of the shot. It could be as soon as 3 months or as
long as 2 years. The uncertainty is what is scary.
NuvaRing is another form of birth control that is inserted vaginally and then
removed during your menstrual week. The main problem with the NuvaRing is that
it can cause blood clots, just like any other birth control, but NuvaRing is
notorious for causing these in women.[3]
Many people have filed law suits against this company because of the horrible
side effects it has caused and even death in some cases.

[1] "Body Ecology Healthy Diet." All
Body Ecology Articles. N.p., 29 May 2008. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.
Opposition of Birth Control (Lecture, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, 2/4/2014)
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