Thursday, January 30, 2014

What is the Point of Sexting!? By - Vincent Bohnert

What is the Point of Sexting!?
By: Vincent Bohnert

Sexting is the act of sending nude or inappropriately exposed photos of oneself to another person via electronics [1].  Now, as you might know already, this isn't the smartest idea.  What I mean primarily by this is even if you hypothetically (of course) would want to send photos of yourself in a nude state to your boyfriend, girlfriend, friend for some reason, etc., what you have to remember is that the photo(s) you send are at SOMEONE ELSE’S disposal other than yours.  You can only control what you do, not what someone else does. While that person may be your girlfriend, boyfriend, or friend today, tomorrow is a whole new day.  Next thing you know you could be sworn enemies with that person and you end up being so furious towards him/her that you completely forget about the sexually explicit photo you gave to them.  Although the next day your newly found nemesis reminds you of the photo (believe it or not) by posting it all over the social media world so any person with internet access can view it.  Please don’t make this hypothetical example come to life; you could’ve avoided this completely by just not taking those types of pictures of yourself in the first place, let alone sending it to someone else.

There has been a story in the news recently about a Lower Moreland High School teacher voluntarily taking naked videos/photos of herself and sending them to one of her 17 year old students and then later having sexual intercourse with that same student [2].  Although this math teacher was obviously having a rough life at the time (why else would she have made those poor decisions), she’ll be paying for it with her job, career, and $50,000 (bail) for having sex with a minor according to [2].  This story just emphasizes the dangers of sexting (as well as the craziness) in which I’m trying to convey.

[1]Stamm, Dan, and David Chang. NBC10, "" Last modified January 30, 2014. Accessed January 30, 2014.

[2]Wikipedia, "" Last modified January 29, 2014. Accessed January 30, 2014.

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