Friday, January 31, 2014

Sexual Assault on College Campuses

Sexual Assault on College Campuses
By Abriana Cantaffa

College is supposed to be fun and exciting, Right? You should not have to worry about being sexually assaulted. But, according to the CDC about nineteen percent of undergrad women have unfortunately experienced a form of sexual assault.[1] It is not just women either, men can and are sexually assaulted as well.

When someone is sexually assaulted or raped they do not deal with just physical harm. Their mind has also been attacked. They no longer feel as if they are themselves. Some people are forever changed, and most of the time it is not for the better. They could contract an STD. They can become likely to commit suicide. Sexual assault is not a joke, no matter if it was supposed to be or not.
The want to include statistics and facts that are on the American Association of University Women (AAUW) site.
Sexual Assault Statistics
 In an adult survey, 37.4% of women were raped between the ages of 18-24
  Sexual assault is one of the highest unreported crimes at 95%
      13 percent of women are stalked for an average of 60 day during the year
      90 percent of women know who raped or sexually assaulted them
         42 percent of college women that are raped tell no one
         10 times more than the 5 percent of rape incidence that are reported to police are reported on crises lines
         42 percent of raped women expect to be raped again

Not all rapes are planned. It could be a heat of the moment type thing. Some women actually let themselves believe that what happened to them was not rape, even if the incident(s) define it as rape.

Consent is a big part of having sex. I agree that if you intoxicated, you are not able to give consent to have sex. You are not in your right, un-reliable mind. You could wake up in the morning regretting what happened and scream “rape”.
Here in Charlotte the percentage of reported rapes has increased from the year 2011 to 2012.[2] But Charlotte is not the only city that has had an increase in reported rapes. In 2010 there were only 2 reports of rape reported at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.[3] Only 2. So how many people did not report it? We need to raise awareness and stop sexual assault and rape on college campuses and everywhere else as well.

[1] “Know Your Rights: Campus Sexual Assault”.
[2] Crime in North Carolina-2012. North Carolina Department of Justice. State Bureau of Investigation. September 2013.
[3] University of North Carolina at Charlotte Campus Safety Statistics 2010.

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